Is there free anti counterfeit label sample provided?
Some anti counterfeit label items on the internet are marked "Free Sample" and can be ordered as such. In general, Guangzhou Saier Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Co., Ltd.'s regular products are available for free samples. However, if the customer has some specific requirements such as product size, material, color or LOGO, we shall charge the relevant costs. We keen for your understanding that we would like to charge the sample cost which will be deducted once the order is confirmed.
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As the producer of void security tape, Saier Scratch Off Products has advantages in production capacity and quality. Saier Scratch Off Products's void label series contains multiple sub-products. Saier Scratch Off Products hot stamping foil products has to go through the deflashing process. The methods of deflashing include manual tear trimming, cryogenic processing, tumbling precision grinding. It can be removed by scratching with a fingernail, coin or some other object. Featuring environmental friendless, the product generates zero pollution to the environment, helping reduce the carbon footprints. The product is resistant to acids and alkalis.
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