Most anti counterfeit label sample fees are refundable if the order is confirmed. Please be assured that Guangzhou Saier Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Co., Ltd. always provides you with the greatest benefits. Please contact our customer service department for a sample of the product and ask for the sample fee. Thank you for your interest in Saier Scratch Off Products branded products.
Hologram scratch off stickers is produced professionally by Saier Scratch Off Products with reasonable prices. Saier Scratch Off Products's scratch stickers series contains multiple sub-products. our company security scratch off labels has to go through a series of quality tests to guarantee that it is up to the standard cooling effect. This testing process is under strict inspection by our QC team with qualified knowledge of refrigeration. It is created with proprietary chemicals for superior adhesion. Our own quality control personnel and authoritative third parties have carefully inspected the product. This product has a good anti-counterfeiting effect.
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